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Are you ready to be the strongest, healthiest version of yourself?


Calling all you busy women

Do you want to unleash your best performance and TRANSFORM your body to be the strongest it has ever been?

  • Are you tired of counting calories?

  • Or following another fad diet?

  • Are you exercising and not seeing the results you want?

  • Or constantly feel tired all the time?

  • Do you want help managing your symptoms of PCOS, ENDO or menopause? 


What makes us different?

Firstly, unlike those fitness “influencers” on the interest, I am an Accredited Practising Dietitian and an Advanced Sports Dietitian.


Why does that matter? I cut through the BS and provide a holistic evidence-based approach. This means providing you with the latest that nutrition has to offer, as well as providing everyday PRACTIAL advice that is relevant for YOU! You won’t be seeing any juice cleanses here babe!


Secondly, I live and breathe strength sports BUT I am also a massive foodie. I love feeling strong and transforming my body to be the best it can be, but I love my food. Through my lived experience as a national level strength athlete, I can help you nourish your body while not missing out on the foods you love. No more chicken, broccoli and rice (unless that is your jam).


I also have recently become a mother. During that time I gained 23 kg from my pregnancy. While I am still on my own journey to build the strongest version of myself, it is through my own coaching methods that I have already achieved a 19 kg weight loss at 6-months post-partum.


My Signature Program


STEP 1: Pre-season

This is where we start with a lifestyle audit to determine your baseline. Here we focus on nourishing your body increasing your energy and performance, balancing your hormones, heal your gut health and most importantly repair your relationship with food. This lays the foundations for the next phase.


STEP 2: Transform

Here we set transformational goals. With personalised nutrition and training plans and on-going coaching I will help you build and transform a body you love. PerformHere I support you to perform at your ultimate physical and mental PEAK! You will banish burnout and be supported for stress management and recovery.


STEP 3: Perform

Here I support you to perform at your ultimate physical and mental PEAK! You will banish burnout and be supported for stress management and recovery.

What do you get?

  • VIP strategy planning session (up to 2 hours)

  •  Personalised but flexible nutrition plans

  •  Personalised snack sheet

  • Personlised Supplement plans

  • 24/7 support via a fitness app

  •  1:1 voice/video coaching updates to have your questions answered

  • Access to our nutrition vault for all your nutrition education

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